You Won’t Believe What Jensen Ackles Did as a Teenager (And Drove His Dad Wild)

Before he was Dean Winchester, slaying demons and stealing hearts on “Supernatural,” Jensen Ackles was just a regular teenager with a rebellious streak and a burning desire to get his ears pierced. But there was just one problem: his dad.

Now, we all know dads can be a bit…overprotective, especially when it comes to their kids doing anything remotely edgy. And in the Ackles household, ear piercings were apparently a hard pass.

Absolutely Not!”: The Dad Decree That Launched a Thousand Sneaky Plans
Imagine young Jensen, all teenage angst and yearning for self-expression, mustering up the courage to ask his dad about getting his ears pierced.

“Dad, can I get my ears pierced?” he probably asked, hoping for a miracle.

His dad, in true Dad Fashion, likely shook his head and replied with a resounding, “Absolutely not! You are not coming home with holes in your ears!”

Now, some kids might have accepted defeat and resigned themselves to a life of unpierced ears.

But Jensen Ackles, even in his teenage years, wasn’t one to back down from a challenge.
A Friend, a Needle, and a DIY Piercing Session
Enter Jensen’s trusty best friend, a fellow rebel in the making and the owner of a very important household object: a needle.

“Dude, do you have a needle?” Jensen probably asked, a mischievous glint in his eye.


His friend, no doubt sensing an epic tale in the making, nodded and replied, “Yeah, I think so. Why?”

We can only imagine what happened next. One sanitized (hopefully) needle, a deep breath, a quick jab, and voila! Jensen Ackles was officially rocking a pair of freshly pierced ears.


Get Out!”: The Homecoming That Didn’t Go as Planned
Victorious and sporting his new ear bling, Jensen strutted back home, ready to unveil his act of teenage rebellion. But his dad, ever the vigilant guardian of unpierced ears, was not impressed.

One look at Jensen’s new accessories, and the Dad Decree came down with the force of a thunderclap: “Get out! You know the rules.

No ear piercings in my house!”
We can only imagine the look on Jensen’s face—a mixture of defiance and “uh oh, I might have pushed things a little too far.”

A Rebel With a Cause: Jensen Ackles, The Earring Years
While we don’t know the full aftermath of the Great Ear Piercing Rebellion of Jensen’s Teenage Years, one thing’s for sure: those piercings stayed put

Fans of “Supernatural” will recall Dean Winchester sporting a single, iconic earring throughout the series, a testament to Jensen Ackles’ real-life ear-piercing adventure.

The moral of the story? Even Hollywood heartthrobs have rebellious phases, and sometimes, a little teenage defiance is all it takes to achieve ear-piercing dreams.

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